Dido Updates her Facebook account and explains to us about the name of her child. Unfortunately there is no news about her new album :( but there is some info about her new-born child :)
She says:
"... Happy 2012 everyone! I hope it's amazing for you. Thanks so much for all your lovely messages and birthday wishes too. And for all those asking where stanley got his name - we chose stanley because it's been my absolute favourite name from back when I was a teenager and then coincidentally it was my husband's too! And his middle name william is after my dad. See you all very soon. Love, didoxxx..."
She says:
"... Happy 2012 everyone! I hope it's amazing for you. Thanks so much for all your lovely messages and birthday wishes too. And for all those asking where stanley got his name - we chose stanley because it's been my absolute favourite name from back when I was a teenager and then coincidentally it was my husband's too! And his middle name william is after my dad. See you all very soon. Love, didoxxx..."