Dido World Tour May 5 - June 30 2019

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The ways to Procrastinate from blogging

For some odd reason today, I can't seem to think of a good post to write about. If I write about my day, it will just be about the same old thing like going to the beach, going swimming, need I go on?
So I finally thought of what to write................................................................hmmm...........what was it again?...................................................Oh yeah it was how many ways to procrastinate blogging :P

One of the ways is to watch TV. - they're showing a good movie called "the devil in flesh". It's a movie about Rose McGowan (Paige Mathews from TV's Charmed)....I think I'm going to watch that tonight.

The next way is to watch a movie on the computer or listen to some music or play a video games ( I highly recommend playing The Sims 2 for the PC or Super Smash Brothers Brawl for the Wii).

The other way is too day-dream - many people do that, seriously.

The last way is to go to sleep - beauty sleep is important,
Or eating :P - forget about gaining weight.

1 comment:

XTR said...

Tell me about about it!
Man, I procrastinated to update my blog for a while... don't have anything to write about I suppose. But this post is a good one!

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