The question is: am I ok? well not really. Since it's Ramadan I was enjoying it till like 2 days ago then that's when things got a little bad. I got the FLU. No its not the bird flu. It's just the typical flu.
People kept asking me am I ok? and I kept saying yes I am fine. "are you sure you're ok? because you look terrible." Yes I am fine *sneezes a lot* ugh, this is one of days of my life (it's now like day number 5 of Ramadan) I feel so bad that now I cannot even smell a thing, taste a thing (during Iftar). The only thing I do is sneeze a lot and clean my runny nose :(
The Good thing is that I didn't get the fever so I am thankful to Allah. Now I pray that this flu will be gone by this week.
The problem is that I'm trying not to give it to anyone else. because sometimes when I meet up with people they either want me to hug them or if it's my aunt - where's her kiss? she asks.
Also today (since it's Friday), I didn't go to the Friday Prayers because of 3 things:
1/ I felt really bad today so I guess it's ok if I miss it just once.
2/ my brothers (those idiots) did NOT wake up for the Prayers. That pissed me off like hell. Till now they are asleep.
3/ I also forgot to set my alarm because last night at around 3AM right after I had my Sohour I literally passed out. I just couldn't wake up. Seriously even if you threw hot water on my face, I still wouldn't wake up!
Inshallah you will get well soon buddy.
Lol @ your brothers... I think you are supposed to wake them up :)
great, the middle child syndrome is still going on :(
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